Tuesday, June 23, 2020
I would like to share a memory about Ruth.
I didn’t know her very long but the time I was with
Her was special. She was always acting feisty but
When I was with her she was so sweet and caring.
We watched the news together at night while I was crocheting! She was spending more time out of
Bed and more with me! We had fun ordering from
Different menus and spent time in the kitchen
Sampling the different foods! She loved her “Winnie”
(“The best dog in the World “!) She enjoyed her son and daughter and how they fussed over her! Always
Spoke lovingly about her family. Every day and night
She called Ida because she was worried about her!
I looked forward to seeing Ruth and always got a warm
Welcome! I will miss her. I pray for God to help the family find strength at this difficult time and may Ruth
Rest In Peace.
Love you Ruth!
Sincerely, Gail Vaichulis